
Toyota, Toyota, Toyota?

What to think of these Toyota recalls?

It looks like the manufacturer's reputation for incredible quality has been tarnished as a recent pole shows that consumer purchase consideration for the brand has fallen over 20%. This is the largest decrease of any manufacture ever, and more than the decrease Chrysler and GM felt when they asked for a tax payer bailout.

I am glad to be a part of a manufacture that puts safety first. VW has had a break override system on their vehicles for years. This means even if the gas pedal was to be entrapped that the brake pedal will override the gas causing the vehicle to brake as normal even if there is pressure on the gas pedal.


VW National Dealer Advisory Council

VW elected me to join their national dealer council. This is great news for our customers and the region. I will now have monthly access to VW's top executives like Stefan Jacoby and Mark Barnes. From both the consumer and dealer side please let me know if their are any issues that should be presented to Volkswagen of America.