
Ditching Dangerous Driving Habits

Stop distracted driving habits

Volkswagen prides itself on offering a great variety of vehicles filled with the best in safety features.  Even so, reducing dangerous driving habits like distracted driving is an important step in arriving at your destination safely.  

Whether we want to admit it or not, there are plenty of distractions now available to us while driving.  We are becoming adept at multi-tasking even when we shouldn’t be, like when we are driving. Distracted driving includes a variety of dangerous driving habits.   Now is a great time to work on reducing your distracted driving and other dangerous driving habits.

Texting and Driving

Texting and driving is a significant contributor to the potential of an auto accident. The best way to avoid it? Put the phone down.  Yep, it is that simple! Many phones have 'car driving' modes you can put your cell phone into which tells others that you can not answer due to driving. Still feel tempted? Put your phone in your middle console or glovebox to avoid checking it.  

Other Distracted Driving

Do you wear headphones listening to music while driving? Have rowdy kids in the back of the car? Have a pet that’s crawling over your lap? Just pick up some fast food and you’re starving? All of these are examples of other types of distracted driving and each one of them can be dangerous. With most of these you can pull off to the side of the road or a parking lot to deal with the situation. Bring toys for your kids in the car, put your pet in a cage or kennel, and eat when you are parked! Headphones should never be worn when you are driving.

Driving Recklessly in Weather

Weather driving can be extremely challenging and requires your attention and most often reduced speed.  Dangers like black ice or fog can sneak up on you. The best way to avoid an issue? Go slow. Take your time and go as fast as you can comfortably progress, even when others are speeding on by.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

The best way to avoid driving under the influence is to put down the car keys. Call a cab or have a friend be your designated driver. Your brain does not function as clearly when it is under the influence.  Even if you feel like you can drive safely, you most likely can not.  If possible have a plan in place before you begin drinking as it is better to plan while your mind is clear.

Tired Driving

Late night, early morning, and just plain long drives can make us tired especially if we are already tired when we get into the car. If you find yourself in the situation, the best solution is to find a place to stop and rest.  Drinking caffeine can give your body a brief spurt of energy. Blaring your air conditioning toward your face can help keep you alert. And on those long road trips? If there is another driver available in the car, let them take over.

Emich Volkswagen wants you to make it to your destinations safely.  Take the time to plan out your trips and be prepared for any situation.  Reduce your distractions, drive while well rested, and do not drink and drive or text and drive.   Stop by Emich VW in Denver to find out about the many safety features available on the Volkswagen vehicle line-up.  A change in habits and a vehicle equipped to help you reach your destination safely can go hand-in hand toward a safer daily commute or long distance road trip.

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